Convion SOFC generates zero emission electricity and heat from biogas in Italy

Convion has started operating a biogas fuelled C50 SOFC system in Italy. The start-up marks a launch of a demonstration of Convion’s fuel flexible C50 SOFC co-generation unit at an industrial biogas installation and an important milestone along the path of commercialization of the product. After a successful trial operation of the module in Finland and completion of site installation at Collegno waste water treatment plant of SMAT, the unit started producing power and heat for the plant’s own consumption. The installation is the largest solid oxide fuel cell plant in the world fueled by biogas directly. Continue reading “Convion SOFC generates zero emission electricity and heat from biogas in Italy”

Superb performance with renewable biogas

Convion Ltd. is pleased to announce that the company has successfully started testing of a first biogas fuel cell unit belonging to a pilot delivery to Italy. The system went live last week in Espoo, Finland and since then, it has shown in the trial run a superb electrical efficiency above 55% net-AC when run on biogas. Equipped with exhaust heat recovery, total efficiency is above 82%. The unit will undergo a series of tests at Convion premises prior to shipment to Turin, Italy.

Convion biogas fuel cell

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INNO-SOFC project aims at significant improvements in state-of-the-art

In September 2015, a new European R&D project INNO-SOFC for developing next-generation 50kW fuel cell systems for efficient and low-emission electricity production was started. Convion is a member of a large European consortium aiming to collaborate on forming an efficient value chain for entire fuel cell systems.


An EU Horizon 2020 funded project is co-ordinated by VTT and will be completed by April 2018.The project budget is EUR 4 million, of which the Finnish SME’s Convion and Elcogen will be allocated a total of EUR 2.3 million.

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Convion product announcement

As of February the 23rd, Convion started an internal validation of its new Convion C50 product. The product is an integrated fuel cell power module based on solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology and has nominal power output of 58kWe. Due to its modular structure, installations ranging from 58kW up to several hundreds of kilowatts can be accomplished by parallel installation of individual modules.

The product is capable of combined heat and power generation (CHP) and is suited for operation on either natural gas or biogas. The C50 product may operate parallel to grid or in an island mode, securing critical loads in case of power outages.

Convion C50 validation

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